Nutmeg (1.5 oz)
This hard brown seed from the nutmeg tree (a tropical evergreen) has a warm, spicy sweet flavor.
Ground Dawa-Dawa - Locust beans (2 oz)
Dawa dawa condiment was produced by traditional fermentation of African yam bean and soybean seeds.
Whole Cloves (1 oz)
Cloves are used in the cuisine of Asian, African, and the Near and Middle East, lending flavor to meats.
Ground Peanuts - Poudre d' Arachide (8 oz)
They are naturally free of trans-fats and sodium, and contain about 25% protein.
Uda - Xylopia Aethiopica - Hwentia (2 oz)
This ingredient is widely used in African in soups or stews.
Spicy Mbongo Tchobi (2 oz)
Mbongo Tchobi is a traditional Cameroonian stew made primarily with fish.
Rio Grande Sazonada Seasoned (8 oz)
Salsita Lista de Tomate - Seasoned Tomato Prepared Sauce
Ground Hot Pepper - Poudre de Piment ( 6 oz )
Choice Ground Hot Pepper - Poudre de Piment