Brightening Soap - Savon Clarifiant - Sabão Clareador by Carotone ( 190 g )
It cleans and purifies skin.
Natural Lightening Toilet Soap - Savon de Toilette Naturel Eclaircissant by H Cosmetiques ( 225 g )
Treats pimples, acnes, blemishes, and spots.
Dudu-Osun Black Soap - Dudu-Osun Savon Noir by Tropical Naturals ( 150 g )
Cleanses, nourishes, protects, refreshes your skin
Savon Gommage by Mekako ( 200 g )
Elimine buttons, acnes, dartres, et tache genantes.
The Original Antiseptic Soap - Le Véritable Savon Antiseptique by Mekako ( 100 G )
It is a soap of super quality which contains apowerful germicicde. It is excellent for personal hygiene.
New Antiseptique Soap - Nouveau Savon Antiseptique ( 2 % Mercure ) by Mekako ( 100 G )
It is used to fight infections.
Germicidal Soap - Savon Germicide by Idole ( 100 g )
It is a medicated antiseptic soap, excellent for the prevention and treatment of skin and hair infections.
Lemon Medicated Germicidal Soap - Savon Citron Germicide Médicamenté by Niuma ( 75 g )
Gives a softer and smoother complexion.
Lemon Soap - Savon Lemon by Lightening Larissa ( 225 g )
Fight against pimple, acne and spotness.