Yellow Shea Butter (8 oz)
Yellow shea butter is renown for its antiseptic properties.
Savon Germicide No2 - Idole Or ( 100 g)
Idole Or est un savon antiseptique medicamente..
Savon Clarifiant - Ligthening Soap ( 150 g )
Le savon clarifiant nettoie parfaitement la peau en eliminant les cellules mortes.
Tamarind Soap - Savon Tamarin by La Bamakoise ( 225 g )
It gives you an extraodinary beauty!
Skin Light Toilet Soap - Skin Light Savon de Toilette by Rodis ( 250 g )
Bleaching treatment. Traitant Eclaircissant.
Lemon Medicated Germicidal Soap - Savon Citron Germicide Médicamenté by Niuma ( 75 g )
Gives a softer and smoother complexion.
Lemon Soap - Savon Lemon by Lightening Larissa ( 225 g )
Fight against pimple, acne and spotness.