Yellow Shea Butter (8 oz)
Yellow shea butter is renown for its antiseptic properties.
Savon Eclaircissant - Lightening Soap ( 225 g )
Janet est un savon eclaircissant qui prend soin de votre corps.
L'Abidjanaise Savon de Toilette Eclaircissant - Lightening Toilet Soap ( 225 g )
Carotte Savon de Toilette Eclaircissant exfoliant puissant.
Lightening Soap Without Hydroquinone - Savon Eclaircissant Sans Hydroquinone by Bio Claire ( 190 g )
It is a natural beauty care with Bio-Vegetal activator.
Natural Lemon Toilet Soap - Savon de Toilette Naturel au Citron by H Cosmetiques ( 225 g )
Treats pimples, acnes, blemishes, and spots.
African Black Soap with Cocoa Butter & Vitamine E by Madina Industrial Corp ( 3.5 oz )
For masks adn blemishes. Softens rough, dry skin.
New Antiseptique Soap - Nouveau Savon Antiseptique ( 2 % Mercure ) by Mekako ( 100 G )
It is used to fight infections.
Carrot Soap - Savon Carotte by Idole ( 100 g )
It contains carrot oil with B-Carotene (pro-vitamin A)