Yellow Shea Butter (8 oz)
Yellow shea butter is renown for its antiseptic properties.
Savon Germicide No2 - Idole Or ( 100 g)
Idole Or est un savon antiseptique medicamente..
Savon Eclaircissant - Lightening Soap ( 225 g )
Janet est un savon eclaircissant qui prend soin de votre corps.
Lemon Intensive Lightening Soap - Savon Citron Eclaircissant Intense by Civic ( 200 g )
Lightens and removes all imperfections of your skin while cleaning.
Savon Gommage by Mekako ( 200 g )
Elimine buttons, acnes, dartres, et tache genantes.
Skin Light Toilet Soap - Skin Light Savon de Toilette by Rodis ( 250 g )
Bleaching treatment. Traitant Eclaircissant.
The Original Antiseptic Soap - Le Véritable Savon Antiseptique by Mekako ( 100 G )
It is a soap of super quality which contains apowerful germicicde. It is excellent for personal hygiene.
Germicidal Soap - Savon Germicide by Idole ( 100 g )
It is a medicated antiseptic soap, excellent for the prevention and treatment of skin and hair infections.
Antiseptic Medicated Soap - Savon Antiseptique Médical by Symba ( 80 g )
It keeps skin free of body odors.