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Black Mustard Seeds (7 oz)
Black Mustard Seeds (7 oz)

Black Mustard Seeds (7 oz)

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On sale: $8.29 $7.29
They are used in cuisines all around the world, flavoring curries, soups and pickles.
Part Number: grs-0018
Availability: This product is in stock.
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Black Mustard Seeds
They are used in cuisines all around the world, flavoring curries, soups and pickles. This easy-to-find spice comes in two forms, whole seeds or ground, and forms the basis for countless varieties of the condiment we know as prepared mustard.
Mustard seeds have been highly prized medicinal as well as culinary spice being in use since earlier times. The seeds are fruit pods obtained from mustard plant in the Brassica family.
Mustard seeds are an excellent source of essential B-complex vitamins such as folates, niacin, thiamin, riboflavin, pyridoxine (vitaminB-6), pantothenic acid. These vitamins are essential in the sense that body requires them from external sources to replenish. These B-complex groups of vitamins help in enzyme synthesis, nervous system function and regulating body metabolism.
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